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Jessica Hawke


Jessica has spent most of her life around carpentry, growing up her father owned his own construction company then worked for a lumber yard, and she enjoys being around construction again. Jessica has a professional background in Event Management and holds a degree in Business and Organizational Leadership from Columbia International University. 

Jessica enjoys learning new things and is always looking for a challenge. She was drawn to Lewis Creek because of the transparent values and the team’s clear dedication to our clients and to one another.

Jessica is originally from western North Carolina and currently lives in Vermont with her husband, Logan, and their two dogs, Fez (yes, after That 70’s Show) and Moses. She and her husband were drawn to Vermont by the desire to live in a community that was more involved in outdoor activities (and somewhere a little cooler than the Carolinas). When Jessica is not at work, she loves to do anything with her husband and dogs–hike, cook or bake new recipes, mountain bike. Jessica is currently learning to speak French. C'est vraiment amusant!

Did you know?

One of Jessica’s childhood nicknames is Scooter. She got this from her father because instead of crawling or walking, she would "scoot" across the floor to get to where she wanted to go.

If Jessica could have any superpower it would be teleportation because she likes things to be efficient. Cut out the travel and wait time please!
People are surprised to learn that Jessica has traveled to 26 countries! One of her favorite experiences was paragliding through the Himalayas in Pokhara, Nepal.

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